Thrill of the Fight – Dana White’s favorite fight VR game

Great workout, safer than real sparring

Since discovering the game UFC President, Dana White have been playing Thrill of the Fight on the Oculus before his weight lifting sessions. Thrill of the Fight is a virtual reality boxing game where you fight against a virtual opponent using the controllers as gloves. The game has been available on Steam since July 2016 and have earned Overwhelmingly Positive reviews overall. Most users agree with Dana White that it's a really good cardio workout.

Unlike a real sparring session, there's no risk of getting hit on the head for real and potentially damaging your brain in the long term. The game needs at least a 2m by 1.5m (6.5ft by 5ft) space for you to move around 360º. The bigger the space, the bigger the ring in which you fight in the virtual world. Since a lot punching, turning, and moving back-and-forth is involved, you may want to make sure nothing gets in the way. The game can be brutally hard especially if you're out of shape.

Thrill of the Fight is compatible with Oculus, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows MIxed Reality virtual reality headsets. The Oculus Quest 2 is $399, the HTC Vive Pro 2 (full kit) is $1,399, the Valve index (we get a commission if you use this link to purchase) is $1,189.99 and the HP Reverb G2 (Windows Mixed Reality) is $399. The game itself is Bear in mind that you'll likely sweat a lot while playing the game so might want to consider something like the VRCover to keep your headset clean.

The game itself is $9.99 on Steam and on the Oculus.


  • It's a healthy video game
  • Improves cardio
  • The game itself is cheap


  • It can get sweaty
  • VR headsets with controllers can get expensive
  • Requires some space
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