Virtuix Omni Virtual Reality Treadmill

Healthier gaming

Get ready to be super fit gamers. The Omni gets you in shape while gaming with an innovative treadmill that lets you walk, run, jump, and crouch in the virtual world  like you would in real life. 

It works with the Oculus Rift, a vritual reality 3D headset, which by itself makes a game feel so real that a virtual beheading almost feels like a real one – the realism is shocking. You'll be truly immersed in the game, more than you ever could sitting down. This could be a glimpse at the future of gaming.

What's in the box?


  • A healthier way to game
  • A safer VR experience
  • Reasonable footprint


  • Expensive
  • A newer version exists that got rid of the cage for more freedom


Using the Virtuix Omni is one of the best ways to experience VR gaming. Walking, running, jumping, and crouching as you would in real life makes playing video games in VR a lot more healthy than conventional gaming.

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