BlazePod – Multi-Sport Flash Reflex Training

Pushup with blazepod

Trains speed, agility, power, pace and reaction times

BlazePod is like whack-a-mole but a lot more flexible and instead of using moles, BlazePods are programmable touch sensitive lights. You can place them on the ground or mount them on a pole or tree. They can be used in training to improve speed, agility, power, and reaction time.

You know sometimes when you workout, you think about how long it's going to take or when it's going to end because it's hard? When you focus on reacting to the BlazePod lights, it feels more like play than a serious workout.

BlazePods can be so much fun. You can even use it create healthy games for kids that doesn't involve sitting down on a couch.

It doesn't just trains your body, it trains your mind as well.

You can connect the BlazePods to a smartphone and choose one of the more than a hundred pre-programmed workouts or the one you designed. It also measures you performance down to the millisecond. The feedback can be very useful for improvement.

Depending on which exercise you choose and the smartphone you use, it works with a little as 2 pods and up to 24 pods at a time and communicates with your smartphone up to 40 meters away via bluetooth. The batteries on the BlazePod last up to 12 hours of use.

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Alternatives to BlazePods

The BlazePod is similar to Reax Lights and FitLight.

The problem with Reax Lights and FitLight is that it's not as straightforward to buy as the BlazePod. You can't even find the price on both their websites. (This may change in the future.)

BlazePods can be readily bought in packages without the extra step of contacting someone first. The cheapest is the standard package which cost $279 for 4 pods and most expensive, the Trainer Pro Kit, cost $779 for 12 pods.


  • Flash Reflex Training solution for everyone
  • Affordable
  • Fun
  • Portable
  • Versatile – can be used to train for different sports


  • Cons unknown yet


Whether you're a martial artist, football player, soccer player or if you play just about any sport, the BlazePod can be a great addition to your training. It's versatile and measures your performance. What more can you want?

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