What is monkii 360?
The monkii 360 is a ball-like fitness equipment attached to a bungee that can be attached to a door, a tree, or a pole.
According to monkii, it's “the most efficient dynamic resistance trainer that increases strength, builds core stability, and improves cardio, simultaneously.”
It's for people who don't want to spend too much time working out. It combines cardio and strength training that can be done in 4 minutes.
You can do the monkii 360 workouts at the comfort of home without a gym. All you need is the monskii 360 and your phone to guide you using the monkii app.
The monkii 360 is designed so that when you grip it, it engages more of your muscles. It seems to follow the same concept as Fat Gripz which, because of the wide grip, forces your forearms to work harder just to maintain a good grip.
As you get stronger, you can insert weights into the monkii 360 or use a stronger bungee cord to make it a harder workout. There are 5 weight levels and 8 resistance levels for the bungee.
The bungee and the weights can be stored inside the monkii 360 for convenience.
Better than a 1-hour run?
That's a big claim for sure and the company cited the Tabata Study: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. October, 1996.
But the it wasn't a study on the monkii 360 as some might have been led believe.
The study was about the “Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO(2max).”
It's essentially a study of moderate exercise vs high intensity exercise. No monkii 360 or running was involved in the experiments. All experiments were done on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer.
However, if you do a monkii 360 workout right i.e. at a high enough intensity, it could be more effective than an hour-long jog at medium intensity. We think monkii should try to prove this is true.
monkii 360 review
- Portable
- Does not require much space
- High intensity workout saves time
- Works whole body
- Improves cardio and strength
- Improves functional strength
- Can be done at home
- Levels of difficulty available
- Easy to store
- Durable
- Discounted price
- Good reputation on Kickstarter
- It's a Kickstarter project
- Estimated delivery April 2020
- More colors wanted
The monkii 360 is an interesting piece of workout equipment and we'd love to get our hands on one. Who has time to run for an hour right?
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