Get Fit with GSP’s Touchfit

To get faster, fitter, stronger, you’ve got to push hard enough at every workout. To help you do is the Touchfit: GSP The Ultimate in Home Fitness staring the legendary UFC Welterweight Champion, Georges St-Pierre. The IOS app for the iPhone and the iPod Touch begins with an introduction by George himself. Then you can either do the fitness test to see how much you can currently handle or you can browse through all the 500+ exercises used to personalize your training program based the results of the fitnes test. After that you will get a personalized training program optimzed to help you get into your best shape yet. It learns and evolves after every session and you can see your progress on a well designed stats graphics. It’s definitely one of the best fitness apps we’ve ever seen. If proven to be succesful we might be able to see it for Android users as well.

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