Klecker Klax Multi-Tool Compact Axe

Whether you're camping or backpacking in the woods, an axe can be useful. You know, for stuff like cutting firewood, making tent poles if you have to, or walking sticks. But because of its weight and size, an axe may not be a practical carry-on for the average hiker. Unless of course it's the Klax by Klecker Knives. You see, the Klax is more than just an axe. It's a multi-tool that includes a carabiner, bottle opener, scraper, hammer, ruler, wrenches, and a hex bit driver. It doesn't come with a handle, making it easy to carry. It can be clipped to the outside of your backpack or placed into one of the pockets. Attach it to a piece of wood and have a reliable axe for whatever you want to do with it.

Was $135 on Kickstarter

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