GoFit Elevated Pull-up Bar

Higher than normal. 

If you're tall, chances are that normal door-mounted pull-up bars like the Iron Gym are awkward to use because the bar is not high enough. 

With the GoFit Elevated Chin-up bar, tall people can a have a full range of motion when doing pull-ups and everyone else won't have to hit his or her head on the door jamb anymore.

Like the Iron Gym, it mounts easily in a standard doorway without screws. You can also use the station for sit-ups, pushups, and dips.


  • Multi-purpose
  • Cheap
  • Removable


  • Does not fit all doorways
  • Reported quality issues


This is solid choice when it comes to pullup bars because it can be used for other workouts as well. However, this won't work as a pullup bar if your door does not have a frame. Also there are some quality issue complaints.

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